I would like to refer to the article on the subject of eastern Caribbean exploration activity which appeared in OGJ, Nov. 13, 2000, p. 38. I was the co-author of the article entitled "Caribbean's Saba Bank area might hold pre-Eocene potential" which appeared in OGJ, Oct. 2, 2000, p. 46. The Nov. 13 article erred in saying that Pangaea Energy LLC of Denver was hoping to drill in the Saba Bank area off Saba Island. Although a principal of Pangaea Energy is serving as a consultant to the project, Pangaea Energy has not been awarded exploration rights and has no plans to undertake exploration activity on the Saba Bank for its own account.
Saba Bank Resources N.V., the government operating company responsible for hydrocarbon related activities on the Saba Bank, has undertaken new exploration activity based on the new and reprocessed geological and geophysical data. A Radarsat seep detection survey is currently under way to evaluate a previously noted anomaly and a hydrocarbon release associated with earthquake activity in 1985.
Saba Bank exploration is currently under consideration by several oil companies and it is hoped that one or more exploration wells will be drilled on the Saba Bank in the future.
Richard E. Church
Consultant to
Saba Bank Resources N.V.