Bulk loading solutions
This new multiaccess component system comes as an easy to customize, off-the-shelf solution for work access. The firm's latest concept features interchangeable parts. Made up of four basic components-platforms, stairways, handrails, and support units-the system can be combined to offer its user a range of helpful structures. It provides a safe and flexible platform that is suited for indoor and outdoor applications that require setup beside, above, or over structures and equipment.
The company also is introducing its preengineered pipe racks. They are available in two styles with various options, allowing you to fit the rack to the application. These two styles are T-support racks and bent racks.
Source: Carbis Inc., Box 6229, Florence, SC 29502-6229.
Simulation tool aids pipeline operator qualification
Newly released Stoner OQ is a simulation-based solution for pipeline operator qualification.
It marries data management and record keeping with the objective assessment of an operator's ability to perform covered tasks in simulated, real world operations. The program helps pipeline companies directly meet US Department of Transportation operator qualification rule compliance responsibilities.
OQ tests an operator's ability to recognize the symptoms of an emerging problem and take appropriate action, as required by the DOT rule. OQ presents the operator with a series of realistic scenarios representing normal, abnormal, and even dangerous operating conditions. In each OQ scenario, the operator must identify the problem and take the appropriate response actions, using a standard SCADA-l ike display. The simulated pipeline, powered by this firm's simulation technology, responds exactly like a real pipeline. This interactive, hydraulically accurate simulation helps make it easy to measure, track, record, and review each operator's performance on individual covered tasks.
Stoner OQ is a complete, ready-to-run package including a high-fidelity pipeline simulation program, a data base of covered tasks for liquid and gas pipelines, operating scenarios for many normal and abnormal operating conditions, performance evaluation criteria, and administration tools to manage a pipeline's OQ program.
Source: Stoner Associates Inc., Box 86, Carlisle, PA 17013-0086.
Flow solutions help improve deepwater planning
A ledger-sized matrix, titled "Ensuring Pipe flow," details flow assurance solutions to locate and remediate deepwater blockage caused by hydrate formation, trapped pigs, and paraffin deposit. The matrix is available with the hard copy provided on a complimentary basis. Customers also can download the matrix off the web site: www.paraengr.com under section "What's new at Paragon?"
The list specifies types of blockage, types of pipe, methods applied, and product and vendor availability. The matrix further qualifies design and operational experience associated with each product, along with characteristics and limitations of remediation methods.
Source: Paragon Engineering Services Inc., 10777 Clay Rd., Houston, TX 77041-5497.
System identifies shallow transmission pipelines
A new infrared detection system identifies shallow oil and gas transmission pipelines. The system effectively and accurately detects shallow or exposed pipe and other potential pipeline integrity issues, the company says.
The system is a refinement of an existing one enabling operating companies to locate pipelines not buried to the required depth, usually 42 in. Test sections that were recently surveyed for a US utility found pipe originally indicated by existing methods to be buried at 50 in. belowgrade were in fact only 24-32 in. as identified by the infrared detection system.
The company's differential GPS positioning digital video and digital infrared imagery provides confirmation of any potential problem areas and satisfies clients' due diligence reporting, the firm points out.
Source: Avcan Systems Corp., Suite 100-625 West Kent Ave., Vancouver, BC V6P 6T7.
Offshore fire suppression system
This firm has obtained US Coast Guard approvals for its marine FM-200 and C02 fire suppression systems.
Units are suited for shipboard and offshore applications in machinery spaces, generator rooms, pump rooms, flammable liquid and chemical storage, paint lockers, electrical areas, and cargo spaces.
Source: Fike Corp., Box 610, Blue Springs, MO 64013.