I was recently trying to respond to Oil & Gas Journal's Apr. 10, 2000, editorial. In your otherwise-impressive home page, I could not find the Editorial Forum. Despite being a charter online member I apparently have not used the service in so long that my subscriber information no longer resides in Pennwell's database when I tried a search. (Yes, I was directed and did fill out the problem resolution dialogue.)
So I am showing up as a guest user today. My comment on the editorial was this: Oil supply and oil demand tasks are typically not handled by the same person, and we readers don't keep all the numbers in our heads, much as we'd like to.
This editorial, "The Oil Resource Grows," had a useful USGS update. It would have been more useful if the author had parenthetically added "and recall world oil usage is xx billion barrels a year and world gas usage is yy tcf/year, so these numbers represent zz years of supply at current demand levels."
Laura Starks Dannenmaier