The US Department of Energy has selected two research projects to assist production from the 192,000 stripper gas wells in the US.
DOE said that more than half of the onshore natural gas wells in the Lower 48 states are strippers, defined as those producing 60 Mcfd or less.
Project details
Advanced Resources International Inc., Houston, will develop a computer program to analyze stripper well performance.
It also will diagnose why some wells do not produce as expected and identify ways to select the best wells for corrective measures. Techniques will be tested on wells in Texas and Oklahoma.
DOE will provide nearly $175,000 and Advanced Resources more than $243,000 for the 1-year project.
Petroleum Asset Management Co., Nashville, will demonstrate technologies to improve gas well pumping efficiency and reduce energy costs. It will combine its proprietary pumping technology with solar-powered remote monitoring equipment.
DOE said that, if the system is successful, it would enable companies to monitor wells continuously over the internet from anywhere in the world.
The department will provide $76,000 and Petroleum Asset Management $19,000 for the 4-month project.
In September 1999, DOE selected James Engineering Inc., Marietta, Ohio, and Holditch Reservoir Technologies Consulting Services, Pittsburgh, Pa., to develop software programs to prolong stripper gas output.