Sept. 12, 1994
The U.K. Department of Trade & Industry has awarded exploration licenses on 29 of 34 blocks applied for in its 15th offshore licensing round. A little more than half of the blocks awarded are in the southern gas basin of the North Sea, with the rest in the Central North Sea. "This round marks the beginning of a new approach to licensing," said Tim Eggar, minister for energy and industry. "Different parts of the U.K. continental shelf are offered in separate rounds to reflect the different

The U.K. Department of Trade & Industry has awarded exploration licenses on 29 of 34 blocks applied for in its 15th offshore licensing round.

A little more than half of the blocks awarded are in the southern gas basin of the North Sea, with the rest in the Central North Sea.

"This round marks the beginning of a new approach to licensing," said Tim Eggar, minister for energy and industry. "Different parts of the U.K. continental shelf are offered in separate rounds to reflect the different stages of exploration reached.

"It has succeeded in encouraging enthusiasm for early exploration in the gas prone areas and a willingness to use new technology to have a fresh look at an area that has been extensively explored."

The ministry received 25 applications for 34 blocks out of 81 on offer. These involved 44 companies operating mainly in groups.

Eggar said the 15th round was intended to promote rapid exploration and development in established producing regions to use existing infrastructure.

"This will bring forward smaller developments that might not otherwise be economic and reduce costs," Eggar said.

"Most of the work programs are scheduled for completion in the early years of the licenses, with a number of consortia being prepared to commit themselves to drill wells and undertake seismic surveys within a year of receiving an award."

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