The Independent Petroleum Association of America's biennial "wildcat picks" recommend the election of 19 candidates in selected upcoming congressional elections.
The tight Massachusetts Senate race has IPAA recommending businessman Milt Romney (R), son of former Michigan Gov. George Romney, over incumbent Sen. Edward (Ted) Kennedy (D).
Pennsylvania's Sen. Harris Wofford (D) is being challenged by Rep. Rick Santorum (R), who has the support of state independent producers and IPAA.
In Tennessee, attorney and actor Fred Thompson (R) is campaigning against Rep. Jim Cooper (D) for an open Senate seat. IPAA likes Thompson and says "Cooper, a member of the House energy and commerce committee, has been indifferent to the plight of the domestic industry."
In Virginia, IPAA picks Fairfax County official Tom Davis (R) over the first term incumbent, Rep. Leslie Byrne (D).
In Indiana, the group picks former White House aide David McIntosh (R) over Indiana Secretary of State Joe Hogsett (D) for the second district seat being vacated by Rep. Phil Sharp (D).
In Michigan, it urges election of former National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Spencer Abraham (R) over Rep. Bob Carr (D) for the seat of retiring Sen. Don Reigle (D).
Minnesota's first district seat is being vacated by Rep. Tim Penny (D). IPAA endorses state Rep. Gil Gutknecht (R) over state Sen. John Hottinger (D) because "Gutknecht has gone out of his way to learn independent producer issues, although obviously there is no production in his state."
Ohio Sen. Howard Metzenbaum (D) is retiring, and IPAA recommends Lt. Gov. Mike DeWine (R) over Metzenbaum's son-in-law Joel Hyatt (D).
For the Arizona Senate seat being vacated by Dennis DeConcini (D), it recommends Rep. Jon KyL (R) over Rep. Sam Coppersmith (D). Kyl is believed to be leading in the race.
For Coppersmith's house seat, IPAA endorses state Sen. Chuck Blanchard (D), who is in a tight race with state Sen. Matt Salmon (R).
In California, it recommends State Assemblyman Andrea Seastrand (R) over college professor Walter Capps (D) for the 22nd district congressional seat being vacated by Rep. Michael Huffington (R), who is running for the U.S. Senate. State producers strongly support Seastrand. In the 44th district, IPAA gives the nod to former Palm Springs Mayor Sonny Bono (R) over former Assemblyman Steve Clute (D).
Wyoming has an open Senate seat with the retirement of Malcolm Wallop (R). IPAA endorses Rep. Craig Thomas (R) over Gov. Mike Sullivan (D).
For Montana's single seat in the House of Representatives, IPAA picks former Bureau of Land Management Director Cy Jamison (R) over Rep. Pat Williams (b).
Three Oklahoma races drew IPAA's attention.
In the first district race, it picks former professional football player Steve Largent (R) over oilman Stuart Price (D) for a seat being vacated by Rep. James Inhofe (R), who is running for the Senate.
"IPAA believes Largent will be an effective advocate for independent producers. Price is not an IPAA member, and many Oklahoma producers are openly supporting Largent."
In the second district, Rep. Mike Synar (D) lost the primary runoff election. IPAA picks businessman Tom Coburn (R) over retired teacher Virgil Cooper (D).
IPAA picks Oklahoma Corporation Commission Chairman J.C. Watts (R) over attorney David Perryman (D) for the fourth district seat being vacated by Rep. Dave McCurdy (D), who is running against Inhofe for the Senate.
Kansas has a vacant seat in the second district because Rep. Jim Slattery (D) is running for governor. IPAA endorses former state agriculture secretary Sam Brownback (R) over former Gov. John Carlin (D), "whose administration instituted the state severance tax. "
Texas congressman Jake Pickle (D) is retiring, and IPAA recommends Jo Baylor (R) for the 10th district seat over retired state Supreme Court Justice Lloyd Doggett (D).