JP Kenny Exploration & Production Ltd. (JPK Expro), Guildford, U.K., plans to start production in third quarter 1994 from three reservoirs in the Rudenkovskoye and Novo-Nickolaevskoye group of fields in the Poltava area of Ukraine.
Development will be carried out by Poltava Petroleum Co. (PPC), a joint venture owned 49% by JPK Expro and 51% by Poltavaneftgasgeologia and Poltava Gasprom, a subsidiary of state gas company Ukragasprom.
From its headquarters in Poltava, 350 km southeast of Kiev, PPC will develop the fields in two phases.
JPK reckons reserves for the Rudenkovskoye, Ignatovskoye, and Molchanovskoye reservoirs amount to 100 million bbl of oil and condensate and 1.1 tcf of gas.
The fields, collectively known as the Novo-Nickolaiskoye complex have been appraised by numerous wells, but no commercial development has taken place.
PPC plans to build to peak production of 20,000 b/d of oil and 200 MMcfd of gas.
First phase work, targeting liquids production, will involve drilling of as many as eight wells starting with the Ignatovskoye reservoir. Construction work in the field will start soon, depending on weather and ground conditions.
Phase 2 work will involve drilling of about 40 wells, largely into the Rudenkovskoye structure.
Short pipelines will be built to tie into existing oil and gas export infrastructure. On-site processing will involve simple phase separation, along with gas treatment and compression.
Appraisal of adjacent discoveries and further exploration in the area are scheduled.
Details of the exploration program are being discussed with Ukraine authorities.