EIA: US investments in shale plays highlight foreign JVs

April 9, 2013
Investments in shale plays in the US, which totaled $133.7 billion during 2008-12, highlight a renewed trend toward foreign joint ventures, the US Energy Information Administration reported. JVs by non-US companies accounted for 20% of this total.

Investments in shale plays in the US, which totaled $133.7 billion during 2008-12, highlight a renewed trend toward foreign joint ventures, the US Energy Information Administration reported. JVs by non-US companies accounted for 20% of this total.

Since 2008, foreign companies have invested more than $26 billion in tight oil and shale gas plays and participated in 21 JVs with US acreage holders and operators. The rest of the investments include part of outright acquisitions and joint ventures among American companies and financial institutions.

Foreign investors in JVs usually buy a percentage of the host company’s shale plays acreages through an upfront cash payment and commit to cover part of the drilling cost within an agreed-upon timeframe. These deals are mutually beneficial. US operators get financial support, while foreign companies gain the latest experience in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing that may be transferable to other regions. Through the JVs, foreign investors also can benefit from operating in a stable market with a sound legal system and low political risk.

Similar to the trend of US operations, more liquids-prone areas—such as the Eagle Ford, Utica, and Wolfcamp plays—are becoming the focus of most of the recent JV deals.

Contact Conglin Xu at [email protected].

About the Author

Conglin Xu | Managing Editor-Economics

Conglin Xu, Managing Editor-Economics, covers worldwide oil and gas market developments and macroeconomic factors, conducts analytical economic and financial research, generates estimates and forecasts, and compiles production and reserves statistics for Oil & Gas Journal. She joined OGJ in 2012 as Senior Economics Editor. 

Xu holds a PhD in International Economics from the University of California at Santa Cruz. She was a Short-term Consultant at the World Bank and Summer Intern at the International Monetary Fund.