DOE to conduct energy saving assessment at UOP plant

May 10, 2006
The US Department of Energy plans to conduct a 3-day industrial energy saving assessment at UOP LLC's plant in Mobile, Ala. The free assessment is part of President George W. Bush's national energy efficiency effort, Energy Sec. Samuel W. Bodman said May 9.

Nick Snow
Washington Correspondent

WASHINGTON, DC, May 10 -- The US Department of Energy plans to conduct a 3-day industrial energy saving assessment at UOP LLC's plant in Mobile, Ala. The free assessment is part of President George W. Bush's national energy efficiency effort, Energy Sec. Samuel W. Bodman said May 9.

"President Bush has called on all Americans to be more energy efficient. Private industry is joining the federal government in taking a lead role in this effort," Bodman said. "DOE's energy saving teams will play a key role in assessing and recommending energy efficiency strategies for some of the largest industrial facilities across the nation."

UOP, which has been a Honeywell Inc. subsidiary since Dec. 1, 2005, makes 15 different products for refining, petrochemical, and consumer products manufacturing customers at its Mobile plant, according to DOE.

It said that its energy saving teams have completed visits to 33 large federal facilities and are in the process of visiting 200 of the most energy-intensive privately owned US manufacturing plants as part of a national "Easy Ways to Save Energy" campaign Bodman launched on Oct. 3, 2005.

DOE said that its first 39 assessments of industrial facilities have identified, in aggregate, nearly $101 million/year in potential energy cost savings that could reduce natural gas consumption by more than 11.5 trillion btu/year.

Contact Nick Snow at [email protected].