Nick Snow
Washington Correspondent
WASHINGTON, DC, Oct. 19 -- Congressional authorization to issue oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge advanced a step Oct. 19 as the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved the move by a 13-9 vote.
The language's instruction to the secretary of the Department of the Interior specifies that leasing be confined to the refuge's coastal plain and not affect more than 2,000 acres. Supporters emphasized that operations would have to minimize environmental impacts.
"The hurricanes in the [Gulf of Mexico] underscored what Congress has known for along time: We must produce more of our own oil, and we must diversify the places where we produce it. We must do it for our economy and our energy security," committee Chairman Pete V. Domenici (R-NM) said.
The approved legislation is Title IV of the budget reconciliation bill that the Senate Budget Committee is scheduled to mark up on Oct. 26. The Energy and Natural Resources Committee passed Title IV in response to instructions from the Budget Committee to raise $2.4 billion in revenue for fiscal years 2006-10.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates the competitive sale of oil and gas leases on ANWR's coastal plain would raise $2.5 billion during that time, an energy committee spokeswoman said.
Three Democrats on the committee offered amendments that were defeated. Ranking member Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico offered one to limit the authorization of oil and gas development on ANWR's coastal plain in the same manner as in other units of the National Wildlife Refuge System. Maria Cantwell of Washington proposed ensuring direct payment to the US Department of the Treasury of half the revenues of the proposed leases. And Ron Wyden of Oregon offered an amendment prohibiting the export of oil and gas produced under ANWR leases.
Contact Nick Snow at [email protected].