TNOG acquires 45% interest in OML 17 in Nigeria

Jan. 19, 2021
TNOG Oil and Gas Ltd. acquired 45% in Oil Mining Lease 17 and associated infrastructure in Eastern Niger Delta from Shell, Total SE, and ENI in Nigeria. TNOG will be sole operator in the lease.

TNOG Oil and Gas Ltd. acquired 45% in Oil Mining Lease (OML) 17 and associated infrastructure in Eastern Niger Delta from Shell (30%), Total SE (10%), and Eni (5%). TNOG will be sole operator in the lease.

OML 17 is a large onshore license and includes the norther half pf Port Harcourt. There are 15 oil and gas fields in OML-17, six of which are producing. The lease has 27,000 boe/d current production capacity and 2P reserves of 1.2 billion boe, with an additional 1 billion boe resources for further exploration potential.

TNOG Oil will pay Shell $533 million and will pay Total $180 million. A total of $453 million was paid to Shell and $150 million was paid to Total at completion of the sale with the balance to be paid over an agreed period.

TNOG is a related company of Heirs Holdings Ltd. and Transnational Corp. of Nigeria Plc (Transcorp).