Eni adds 7-10 tcf at Coral find offshore Mozambique

May 16, 2012
An Eni SPA-led group said a gas discovery offshore northern Mozambique has opened a new play in Eocene sand and hiked the overall potential of the Mamba complex to 47-52 tcf of gas in place.

An Eni SPA-led group said a gas discovery offshore northern Mozambique has opened a new play in Eocene sand and hiked the overall potential of the Mamba complex to 47-52 tcf of gas in place.

The Coral-1 well went to 4,869 m in 2,261 m of water. The wellsite is 65 km off Capo Delgado in the southern part of Area 4 and 26 km southeast of the group’s Mamba South-1 discovery.

The well, which encountered 75 m of gas pay in a single, high-quality Eocene sand, is to be production-tested. The Coral prospect holds an estimated 7-10 tcf in place, Eni said, and the resource exclusively located in Area 4 is 15-20 tcf in place.

Eni will drill at least five more wells to fully establish Area 4’s upside potential.

Eni is the operator of Area 4 with a 70% participating interest. Galp Energia and Korea Gas Corp. have 10% each, and Mozambique’s state ENH has 10% carried through the exploration phase.

About the Author

Alan Petzet | Chief Editor Exploration

Alan Petzet is Chief Editor-Exploration of Oil & Gas Journal in Houston. He is editor of the Weekly E&D Newsletter, emailed to OGJ subscribers, and a regular contributor to the OGJ Online subscriber website.

Petzet joined OGJ in 1981 after 13 years in the Tulsa World business-oil department. He was named OGJ Exploration Editor in 1990. A native of Tulsa, he has a BA in journalism from the University of Tulsa.