HRT Participacoes em Petroleo SA discovered hydrocarbons farther south than previously known in Brazil’s Solimoes basin at the 1-HRT-10-AM well on the SOL-T-192 block.
Mud logging and logging while drilling data indicate that the well intersected four gas-bearing reservoir intervals in the primary objective Jurua formation between 2,110 m and 2,260 m, HRT reported to Brazil’s Agencia Nacional do Petroleo, Gas Natural e Biocombustíveis.
Spudded Oct. 22, 2012, the well is now at 2,360 m in Devonian sedimentary rocks and after drilling 20 m into basement, forecast at 2,680 m, will be logged and cased for formation tests.
HRT is exploring the Solimoes basin in partnership with TNK-BP subsidiary TNK-Brasil.