Petrobras finds hydrocarbons in Aram block in Santos basin presalt

May 17, 2023
Petrobras found hydrocarbons through an appraisal well in the Aram block in Santos basin presalt, offshore Brazil, and will use data gathered to evaluate the discovery’s potential and assess next step activities in the area.

Petróleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) found hydrocarbons through an appraisal well in the Aram block in Santos basin presalt, offshore Brazil, and will use data gathered to evaluate the discovery’s potential and assess next step activities in the area.

Well 3-BRSA-1387D-SPS, 260 km from Santos, São Paulo, at a water depth of 1,979 m, presented “a fluid of excellent quality, confirming low levels of contaminants,” the operator said. The discovery also strengthens a potential expansion of the accumulation discovered by exploration well 1-BRSA-1381-SPS in the block (OGJ Online, Oct. 31, 2022).

An oil-bearing interval was verified through wireline logging and fluid samples, which will be further characterized through laboratory analyses, Petrobras said in a release May 17.

Operations to drill the well to the expected depth, verify the extent of the new discovery, and characterize reservoir conditions are ongoing.

Petrobras is operator of Aram block with an 80% interest. CNPC holds the remaining 20%.