Kuwait Energy discovers oil in Abu Sennan license

April 6, 2021
Kuwait Energy found oil in the Abu Sennan license, 12 km to the northeast of producing Al Jahraa field, in Egypt's Western Desert, partner United Oil & Gas PLC said in an Apr. 6 release.

Kuwait Energy found oil in the Abu Sennan license, 12 km to the northeast of producing Al Jahraa field, in Egypt's Western Desert, partner United Oil & Gas PLC said in an Apr. 6 release.  

ASD-1X—drilled by the EDC-50 rig to 3,750 m on Mar. 30—encountered about 22 m net oil pay, interpreted across several reservoirs, including the Abu Roash C (AR-C), Abu Roash E (AR-E), Lower Bahariya, and Kharita formations.

Well testing is planned, and if successful, will be followed by an application to Egyptian General Petroleum Corp. for a development lease.

The rig will now move to Al Jahraa field within the concession to drill the AJ-8 development well targeting the Abu Roash and Bahariya reservoirs in an undrained portion of the field.

Abu Sennan is operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt (25%). Joint venture partners are United Oil & Gas PLC (22%), Global Connect Ltd. (25%), and Dover Investments (28%).