Total SA and Apache Corp. have made the fourth significant oil and gas discovery at the Keskesi East-1 well in Block 58 off the coast of Suriname. This follows previous discoveries at Maka Central, Sapakara West, and Kwaskwasi (OGJ Online, Jan. 7, 2020; Apr. 2, 2020; July 29, 2020).
The well was drilled by the Noble Sam Croft drillship in about 725 m of water and encountered targets in the upper Cretaceous-aged Campanian and Santonian intervals. The shallower Campanian interval contains 58 m (190 ft) net oil, volatile oil and condensate pay, and the Santonian interval contains 5 m (16 ft) net oil and volatile oil pay. Fluid samples indicate API oil gravities of about 27-28º in Campanian and 35-37º in Santonian. Drilling is ongoing for deeper Neocomian aged targets.
Upon completion of the well, the drillship will be released.
Apache transferred operatorship of Block 58 to Total on Jan. 1, 2021, but will continue to operate the Keskesi exploration well until release of the drillship. Total and Apache each have 50% interest in the block (OGJ Online, Dec. 23, 2019).