Total finds more oil off Congo (Brazzaville)

Nov. 16, 2007
Total E&P Congo has found six oil reservoir levels in its ultradeepwater Persee Nord Est Marine-1 discovery well, which was drilled on Mer Tres Profonde Sud block off Congo (Brazzaville).

Uchenna Izundu
International Editor

LONDON, Nov. 16 -- Total E&P Congo has found six oil reservoir levels in its ultradeepwater Persee Nord Est Marine-1 discovery well. The well, which targeted Miocene rock, was drilled on Mer Tres Profonde Sud (MTPS) block off Congo (Brazzaville).

The well, which reached 4,110 m TD, is 185 km offshore in 2,120 m of water.

Total will now start on field development studies to bring together its other previous oil discoveries after assessing the resources.

"Following Andromède in 2000, Pegase Nord in 2004, Aurige Nord in 2006, and Cassiopee Est in 2007, this new drilling success is the fifth oil discovery in the MTPS permit," Total said.

MTPS block spans more than 5,000 sq km and lies in 1,300-3,000 m of water. Total is operator with a 40% interest. Partners include Eni Congo, 30%, and Esso E&P Congo (Mer Très Profonde Sud) Ltd., 30%.

Contact Uchenna Izundu at [email protected].