Total has another oil discovery off Angola

Jan. 3, 2007
Total E&P Angola, in participation with state-owned Sonangol EP, has made a new oil discovery with its Salsa-1 well, the sixth exploration well drilled on Block 32 in ultradeep water off Angola.

By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, Jan. 3 -- Total E&P Angola, in participation with state-owned Sonangol EP, has made a new oil discovery with its Salsa-1 well, the sixth exploration well drilled on Block 32 in ultradeep water off Angola.

Salsa-1, drilled in the southeastern portion of the block in 1,806 m of water, tested 3,686 b/d of oil from a Miocene reservoir. The well is located 15 km southwest of the Mostarda-1 discovery, which tested 5,347 b/d of 30° gravity oil from one interval (OGJ Online, Feb. 20, 2006, Newsletter).

Complementary technical studies are under way to evaluate the test results. Further exploration drilling also is under way, and more is planned across the block.

Interest holders in Block 32 are Total 30%, Marathon Oil Co. 30%, Sonangol 20%, Esso Exploration & Production Angola (Overseas) Ltd. 15%, and Petrogal 5%.