Gulf of Mexico: Cobalt updates exploratory drilling

June 13, 2012
Cobalt International Energy Inc., Houston, plans to plug its Ligurian-2 exploratory well in 5,500 ft of water on Green Canyon Block 814 in the Gulf of Mexico after it penetrated all of the targeted Miocene formations without encountering commercial hydrocarbons.

Cobalt International Energy Inc., Houston, plans to plug its Ligurian-2 exploratory well in 5,500 ft of water on Green Canyon Block 814 in the Gulf of Mexico after it penetrated all of the targeted Miocene formations without encountering commercial hydrocarbons.

Cobalt will move the Ensco 8503 semisubmersible to its North Platte-1 exploratory location in 4,300 ft of water on Garden Banks Block 959. North Platte is a large four-way Inboard Lower Tertiary structure that lies within Cobalt’s greater North Platte complex, consisting of the North Platte prospect and four adjacent Inboard Lower Tertiary prospects.

The North Platte well, expected to take 5-6 months to drill and evaluate, is 40 miles northwest of Cobalt’s Shenandoah discovery.

Meanwhile, Cobalt continues drilling its Cameia-2 appraisal well on Block 21 off Angola and expects to announce results in 30-60 days.

After completing Cameia-2, the Diamond Ocean Confidence semisubmersible will be released to another operator for 120 days to drill one well offshore Congo. The rig will then return to drill Cobalt’s next two Angolan presalt wells. Cobalt is evaluating bids for more rig capacity for its 2013+ Angolan presalt campaign. A rig is to be chosen in the third quarter of 2012.

About the Author

Alan Petzet | Chief Editor Exploration

Alan Petzet is Chief Editor-Exploration of Oil & Gas Journal in Houston. He is editor of the Weekly E&D Newsletter, emailed to OGJ subscribers, and a regular contributor to the OGJ Online subscriber website.

Petzet joined OGJ in 1981 after 13 years in the Tulsa World business-oil department. He was named OGJ Exploration Editor in 1990. A native of Tulsa, he has a BA in journalism from the University of Tulsa.