CJSC Elvary Neftegas, a Rosneft and BP joint venture, has drilled and tested the second exploratory well on the 6,000 sq km Kaigansky-Vasuykansky exploration license in the southern portion of the Sakhalin V acreage 40 km off northeastern Sakhalin Island.
By OGJ editors HOUSTON, Oct. 07 -- CJSC Elvary Neftegas, a Rosneft and BP joint venture, has drilled and tested the second exploratory well on the 6,000 sq km Kaigansky-Vasuykansky exploration license in the southern portion of the Sakhalin V acreage 40 km off northeastern Sakhalin Island.
The Udachnaya well was drilled to 2,705 m TD in 100 m of water in the Okhotsk Sea by Transocean's Legend semisubmersible. It encountered hydrocarbons in three zones. On a restricted test of one zone, the well flowed at a rate of 1,900 bo/d through a 28/64-in. choke.
The first well in the license was drilled in 2004 on the Pela Lache structure 15 km to the east in 114 m of water. It encountered oil and gas in a number of high-quality sandstone reservoirs.
Elvary Neftegas, operator, plans to continue exploratory drilling in 2006.