Total SA said it will decline to resume operations in southern Sudan "until peace and genuine, lasting security have been restored in the region."
Total has held exploration rights to 118,000 sq km Block B in the southeastern Muglad basin since November 1980 and suspended operations in 1985 due to deteriorating security. No production has been established on the block.
The company and the government began talks on resuming operations when negotiations between the government and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) led to the signature of preliminary agreements. The talks also led to an updating of the 1980 production sharing contract "to take account of new international industry standards, particularly in relation to corporate social responsibility," Total said.
"Total's commitment, in line with its code of conduct and corporate values, is to contribute, when circumstances permit, through its oil operations to the reconstruction of a country ravaged by two decades of civil war," the company said.
Block B interests are Total E&P Soudan and Marathon Petroleum Sudan Ltd. 32.5% each, Kufpec Sudan Ltd. 25%, and state Sudapet 10%.