Brooks Range Petroleum Corp. (BRPC), operator of the ADL 47468 lease on Alaska’s North Slope, has made an apparent discovery with one of two wells in the Gwydyr Bay Prospect Area.
The North Shore No. 1 well was drilled to 10,319 ft TVD (13,309 ft MD) through Triassic Ivishak sandstone.
BRPC’s partner TG World Energy Corp. said the well appears comparable to Mobil Oil Corp.’s 1974 Gwydyr Bay South No. 1 well, which also intersected Ivishak. That undeveloped discovery, 1,100 ft east of BRPC’s well, averaged 2,263 b/d of oil.
The North Shore No. 1 well is scheduled to be tested next winter after reservoir evaluation using recently acquired 3D seismic data. BRPC will case the well as a potential oil producer.
A second well-Sak River No. 1-was a dry hole. It was drilled to 11,348 ft TVD (13,110 ft MD) and suspended for the possible drilling of an exploratory sidetrack next winter. Information from this well will be integrated with proprietary 3D seismic data to evaluate the sidetrack.
Nabors Drilling Alaska Rig No. 16E drilled both wells (OGJ Online, Feb. 19, 2007).