New web site lists Russian producers, service providers
New web site ( is supported by the Russian Association of Oil & Gas Equipment Producers and it contains a listing of Russian companies that produce oil and gas equipment and-or offer services.
The site provides not only general information about the companies but also with details such as working experience, availability of service centers and certificates, performed projects, customer feedbacks and testimonials, and contacts.
There is daily updated news featuring oil and gas industry of Russia posted on the site. The company says it’s one of the only online resources in Russia that daily posts English-language news about Russia’s oil and gas equipment and services market.
Source: Russian Oil & Gas Equipment & Services, Box 50, Moscow, Russia.
New cement seals microleaks
New FUTUR active set-cement technology automatically seals microleaks in a cement sheath.
Pumped and placed as part of any primary cementing operation, the active components of the cement system remain dormant until exposed to hydrocarbons, such as those seeping through cracks or microannulae in the cement sheath. Upon activation by contact with hydrocarbons, the cement sheath will self-repair without intervention. This prevents the annular migration of fluids behind the casing between zones or the sustained casing pressure at surface.
The new technology can be mixed and pumped as a lead or tail system during any primary cement job. The properties of this system are comparable with those of conventional cements, meaning it can be pumped with standard cementing equipment, the firm notes.
Once in place, FUTUR technology guards against hydrocarbon leakage and extends the life of the well. Even microscale leaks caused by subsidence, pressure-temperature cycling, or tectonic activity will be sealed, the company says. The reaction within the matrix to the exposure to hydrocarbons is spontaneous and is completed rapidly. The system retains its reactivity over time and will continue to seal any subsequent leaks that may occur over the well’s productive life, or even after abandonment.
Source: Schlumberger, 110 Schlumberger Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478.
Coating project gets under way
Industrial Nanotech Inc., Naples, Fla., has started work with pipeline-coating company Socotherm SPA, Vicenza, Italy, on applications for Industrial Nanotech’s Nansulate product line of patented thermally insulating, corrosion and chemical resistant coatings. Nansulate specialty coatings contain a nanotechnology based material that provides thermal insulation, prevents corrosion, and resists mold.
Source: Industrial Nanotech Inc., 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 702, Naples, FL 34108.