Corridor Resources Inc., Halifax, NS, plans a $32 million program this year and next to step up economic assessment of the Mississippian Frederick Brook shale near Elgin, NB.
Corridor will drill three widely spaced vertical wells on 2D seismic to obtain log and core data for full analysis followed by a horizontal well with a lateral as long as 1,000 m in the most prospective part of the shale and multiple fracs in all wells. It plans a 65 sq km 3D seismic program over the most promising area.
Corridor’s Elgin licenses, excluding McCully field area holdings, cover 118,000 acres.
Meanwhile, the company has a $14.4 million plan to drill a horizontal development well to the overlying Hiram Brook sands in northeastern McCully field and horizontal wells in the Hiram Brook A sand in the most productive part of the field to hike production in its central part.