Shell submits amended environmental statement for Jackdaw

March 18, 2022
Shell has submitted an amended environmental statement to OGA for Jackdaw gas condensate field development on the UK Continental Shelf.

Shell has submitted an amended environmental statement (ES) to the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) for Jackdaw gas condensate field development in Blocks 30/02a, 30/02d, and 30/03a on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS), about 250 km east of Aberdeen in 256 ft of water.

The plan is to drill four wells, install a new wellhead platform, and tie back a new pipeline about 30 km to the existing Shearwater host platform where fluids will be processed before export via the Fulmar gas line and the Forties pipeline system. Drilling, installation, and commissioning will take place in 2023-2025.

Drilling is expected in third-quarter 2023 and fourth-quarter 2024. Platform jacket installation will be in third-quarter 2023, installation of topsides and export pipeline are expected to occur third-quarter 2023 to first-quarter 2025. First hydrocarbons are expected by fourth-quarter 2025.

Environmental impacts of the proposed project include the physical presence of vessels, WHP and infrastructure, atmospheric emissions, discharges to sea, impacts on the seabed, effects of underwater noise, production of waste, and an evaluation of the potential impacts from accidental events, as well as vulnerability of the proposed activities to natural disasters. In addition, potential impacts on designated protected sites, sensitive habitats, and cumulative and transboundary impacts are assessed.

Shell submitted its initial ES to UK authorities on May 6, 2021, and issued the ES for public consultation on May 10, 2021. This ES was an update to the original statement for the Jackdaw project submitted in January 2020. In October 2021 the Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning (OPRED) declined to sanction the project. It did not disclose the reason for the rejection.

Jackdaw estimated reserves are 120-250 MMboe. At its peak, Jackdaw is expected to deliver 6.5% of UKCS gas production and produce energy equivalent to heating over 1.4 million UK homes.

BG International, an affiliate of Shell UK, is operator at Jackdaw (76%) with partner ONE-Dyas E&P holding the remaining 26%.

About the Author

Alex Procyk | Upstream Editor

Alex Procyk is Upstream Editor at Oil & Gas Journal. He has also served as a principal technical professional at Halliburton and as a completion engineer at ConocoPhillips. He holds a BS in chemistry (1987) from Kent State University and a PhD in chemistry (1992) from Carnegie Mellon University. He is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).