BP enters risk sharing contract for Clair development

May 28, 2021
BP has entered into an agreement with Baker Hughes and Odfjell Drilling for drilling and completions activity at the North Sea Clair field.

BP has entered into an agreement with Baker Hughes and Odfjell Drilling for drilling and completions activity at the North Sea Clair field.

The scope of work initially targets a 15% increase in average annual production on Clair Ridge, the second phase development of the field. The 5-year agreement has an option to extend an additional 4 years and includes a new commercial relationship that will share risk and reward.

Offshore work and onshore support will use integrated operations level (IO3) which move tasks onshore from offshore. The Clair alliance will have a new governance structure with a project management team onshore and BP, Baker Hughes, and Odfjell Drilling personnel managing day-to-day drilling and completion operations offshore. The Clair alliance will be overseen by a steering group of representatives from all three companies.

With an estimated 7-8 billion bbl of oil in place, Clair field, 75 km west of the Shetland Islands, has an estimated production life extending beyond 2050. Phase one production began in 2005.

Clair Ridge is the second phase of development. The bridge-linked platforms, which delivered first oil in November 2018, are designed to recover an estimated 640 million bbl of oil and ramp up to 120,000 bo/d and 100 MMcfd at peak production (OGJ Online, Nov. 26, 2018).

Three additional wells were completed during 2020. Clair South, the third development phase, is under consideration in pre-FEED.

BP is operator at Clair (28.6%) with partners Shell (28%), ConocoPhillips (24%), and Chevron (19.4%).