ExxonMobil signs frame agreement for supply vessel services offshore Brazil
Dec. 15, 2020
ExxonMobil Exploração Brasil Ltda signed a frame agreement with Solstad Offshore ASA for supply vessel services supporting exploration activities in Brazil.
The 3-year agreement began this month with the first call off for PSV Normand Swift for a 3-month period, the service provider said in a Dec. 15 release. Details regarding a contract value and specific work location were not provided.
ExxonMobil participates in 28 blocks (17 as operator) in Campos, Santos, and Sergipe-Alagoas basins with partners Petrobras, Equinor, Petrogal Brazil, Qatar Petroleum, Enauta, and Murphy Oil.
The company is in an exploratory phase, having acquired 3D seismic survey on deep waters north of Campos block.