Beach flow tests Beharra Springs Deep

Dec. 16, 2019
Beach Energy Ltd., Adelaide, confirmed the presence of a high-quality Kingia Sandstone reservoir in its Beharra Springs Deep-1 wildcat in the onshore North Perth basin production licence L 11.

Beach Energy Ltd., Adelaide, confirmed the presence of a high-quality Kingia Sandstone reservoir in its Beharra Springs Deep-1 wildcat in the onshore North Perth basin production licence L 11.

The company achieved flow rates of up to 46 MMcfd on test, with the rate constrained by tubing size.

Beach said that a series of tests were performed at various choke settings to determine characterisation of well deliverability parameters.

The tests were conducted over a 37-m perforated interval in the Kingia reservoir from 3,940-3,977 m.

The 46 MMcfd flow was sustained for 3.75 hr through a 76/64-in. choke with a flowing tubing head pressure of 1,855 psig.

The main flow was conducted at a rate of 35 MMcfd through a 44/64-in. choke with 3,466 psig pressure. The well’s flow rates and pressures were stable throughout the extended test flow period of 96 hr. There was no sign of depletion.

Gas sample analysis indicates a 7% carbon dioxide content and similar composition to existing Redback field wells being produced through the 25 terajoules/day Beharra Springs facilities.

Beach added that the well demonstrated similar well productivity characteristics to the nearby Waitsia-3 and Waitsia-4 wells tested at record levels earlier this year about 16 km to the north.

Beharra Springs Deep-1 has been shut in to enable downhole gauges to record further sub-surface pressure data that will be integrated with other data to enable estimation of the size of the gas resource and plan for potential follow-up appraisal drilling.

The well itself is expected to be tied into the Beharra Springs gas facility by the end of 2020.

In the meantime the Triese 3D seismic survey has begun in EP 320 and will cover a 200 sq km area to the southeast of Beharra Springs.

Beach is operator with 50%. Mitsui holds the remaining 50% interest.