
May 5, 2006
Shell Canada Ltd. and a group led by EnCana Corp. won exploration parcels in the Beaufort Sea/Mackenzie Delta, said Canada's Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, May 5 -- Shell Canada Ltd. and a group led by EnCana Corp. won exploration parcels in the Beaufort Sea/Mackenzie Delta, said Canada's
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

EnCana et al. bid $40.2 million for Parcel MD-1, now called Exploration License 434, which covers 56,605 ha trending southeastward from Significant Discovery License areas 89, 113, and 114, all held by BP Canada Energy Co. Interests are EnCana and Anadarko Canada Corp. 37.5% each and ConocoPhillips Canada 25%.
Shell Canada bid $11.6 million for 100% interest in MD-2, a 99,942-ha area designated EL 435 and centered 50 km west of Tuktoyaktuk.