
July 1, 2009
Pan Orient Energy Corp., Calgary, said its NSE-I1 well in Thailand discovered commercial hydrocarbons in a previously untested volcanic reservoir 20 m thick at 637 m true vertical depth.

By OGJ editors
-- Pan Orient Energy Corp., Calgary, said its NSE-I1 well in Thailand discovered commercial hydrocarbons in a previously untested volcanic reservoir 20 m thick at 637 m true vertical depth.

The well is pumping 75 b/d of 34° gravity oil and 200 b/d of water. Pan Orient is operator with 60% working interest.

NSE-I1 was deviated to target the shallow volcanic zone in the downthrown fault closure west of the NSE North fault compartment and a deeper volcanic objective on the high side of the north-south bounding fault.

The well encountered the first volcanic target zone at 637 m TVD and had moderate drilling fluid losses with oil shows observed at surface. It encountered the second volcanic objective at 750 m TVD with the upper 85 m penetrated before drilling was terminated while still in the zone. Minor oil shows were observed at surface along with minor mud losses while drilling through the zone. Subsequent testing of the lowermost objective recovered water and 2 bbl of 32° gravity oil.

The company plans to test the same zone structurally much higher on the east (high) side of the main bounded fault.