Trillion Energy identifies gas pay in Alapli 2 gas well

July 17, 2023
Trillion Energy International Inc., Vancouver, identified over 40 m of gas pay within six separate sands in the Akcakoca Member (SASB production zone).

Trillion Energy International Inc., Vancouver, identified over 40 m of gas pay within six separate sands in the Akcakoca Member (SASB production zone).

On July 16, the Alapli 2 well reached 3,258 m total measured depth. Preliminary gas indications are based on mud logging results. The well is the sixth in the company’s multi-well program at SASB gas field, Black Sea, Turkey.

The company will not run and cement the 7-in. production casing then perforate the production zones. The logging while drilling (LWD) data is being evaluated. Initial perforation intervals are currently being determined to bring the well into production. Completion and flow testing will occur once the well is perforated.

The offset Alapli-1 exploration well drilled several years ago (but which was never produced) tested 7.1 MMcfd from a combined three zones with a measured thickness of 15 m.