Strike confirms strong test flow from Walyering-6 appraisal

July 20, 2022
Strike Energy Ltd. completed a successful test program at Walyering-6 well onshore North Perth basin permit EP447 in Western Australia.

Strike Energy Ltd. completed a successful test program at Walyering-6 well onshore North Perth basin permit EP447 in Western Australia.

The well flowed at a maximum rate of 35 MMcfd of gas.

The company individually tested the Cadda formation and conducted a comingled flow with a production logging tool which included the Cattamarra B, C, and D sands.

The Cadda gas discovery was perforated at 2,683-2,689 m and performed strongly with stabilized rates maintained for 12 hours at 30 MMcfd with a flowing well head pressure of about 1,900 psi through a 56/64-in. choke.

The gas was found to be of high quality with negligible impurities and condensate rates of 10 bbl/MMcf of gas Strike said.

The comingled flow was conducted at a rate of 18 MMcfd through a 48/64-in. choke and a flowing well head pressure of 1,600 psi.

A positive contribution came from the Cattamarra C and D sands (3,392 and 3,464 m, respectively), which will now be included in field development planning.

The B sand produced water as well as gas and was deemed unsuitable for initial production operations.

Strike will prepare Walyering-6 for its final production completion which will be run with the Waylering-5 well prior to commissioning late 2022.

Walyering-6 results will be incorporated into the Walyering field gas dataset to form the basis of an independent reserves and resources estimate.

Strike is operator with 55% interest. Talon Energy Ltd. holds 45%.