Chrysaor Norge drills dry hole in Ilder prospect

May 10, 2021
Chrysaor Norge AS will plug Ilder prospect exploration well 15/12-26. The well—the second in North Sea production license (PL) 973—is dry.

Chrysaor Norge AS will plug Ilder prospect exploration well 15/12-26. Drilled by the COSL Innovator rig, the well—the second in North Sea production license (PL) 973—is dry.

The news follows a non-commercial discovery on the license in March. Well 15/12-25, about 35 km southwest of the Sleipner Øst installation (OGJ Online, Mar. 29, 2021).

Chrysaor is operator of the license with 50% interest. Partners are Okea ASA (30%) and Petoro AS (20%).