Viking CCS awards Technip FEED contract

Jan. 31, 2024
Viking Carbon Capture and Storage, the Humber-based CO2 transportation and storage network led by Harbour Energy PLC with partner bp PLC, has awarded Technip Energies NV front-end engineering design for the project.

Viking Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), the Humber-based CO2 transportation and storage network led by Harbour Energy PLC with partner bp PLC, has awarded Technip Energies NV front-end engineering design for the project. The contract includes responsibility for design of the CO2 transportation system as it moves towards final investment decision.

Viking CCS is expected to capture and store 10 million tonnes/year (tpy) of CO2 a year by 2030, up to a third of the UK’s CCS target. The project has an independently verified storage capacity of 300 million tonnes of CO2 across the depleted Viking gas fields.

Storage rates can be expanded to as much as 15 million tpy by 2035.

Late last year, the UK’s Planning Inspectorate began assessment of Harbour’s application to build a 55-km onshore pipeline as part of Viking CCS (OGJ Online, Nov. 30, 2023).