Petronas awards offshore CCS FEED to NPCC-Technip consortium

April 18, 2022
Petronas has awarded a consortium led by National Petroleum Construction Co., Abu Dhabi, a FEED contract for a 3.7-million tonne/year CCS project at Kasawari sour gas field offshore Sarawak, Malaysia.

Petronas Carigali Sdn. Bhd. has awarded a consortium led by National Petroleum Construction Co. (NPCC), Abu Dhabi, a subsidiary of National Marine Dredging Co., a front-end engineering and design contract for a 3.7-million tonne/year carbon capture and storage (CCS) project at 3.2-tcf Kasawari sour gas field in Block SK316 offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. Technip Energies is also part of the consortium.

The project will capture and process carbon dioxide (CO2) from Petronas’ natural gas field development at Kasawari for injection into a depleted gas field. Kasawari’s 900-MMcfd offshore central processing platform—which will produce from five subsea wells in roughly 100-m water depths—should reach startup in first-quarter 2023 (OGJ Online, Aug. 9, 2021), despite occasional harassment by China Coast Guard patrols in the South China Sea.

The companies expect the CCS project to start operations in 2025.

Petronas has set a goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.  

About the Author

Christopher E. Smith | Editor in Chief

Christopher brings 27 years of experience in a variety of oil and gas industry analysis and reporting roles to his work as Editor-in-Chief, specializing for the last 15 of them in midstream and transportation sectors.