E q u i p m e n t / S o f t w a r e / L i t e r a t u r e
New software lets energy teams share data securely
PetrisWINDS iShare is a new, improved collaboration software solution suited for energy teams that need to share information securely.
Based on Microsoft Corp.’s SharePoint platform, iShare is scalable to multiple companies, multiple users, and large data sets.
With iShare, teams can manage a range of energy-related information assets. Applications of iShare include property asset marketing (online data rooms), due diligence collaboration, postmerger data transfer, sharing of project data (joint venture production data for example)— anything where you want users to have easy access to data of all types from one browser based interface.
The iShare software application is offered as a web hosted solution and as a customer installed site. The hosted version allows fast setup and implementation; project teams that are diversely located can begin using iShare within minutes, the company notes. All iShare data are securely stored on servers in a Class A, SAS 70 certified data center. iShare may also be installed inside the fire wall for companies that want to manage the system on their own Microsoft SharePoint platform.
Source: Petris Technology Inc., 1900 St. James Pl., Suite 700, Houston, TX 77056.
New units measure mass flow rates of underwater wells
Two new products are designed to measure the mass flow rates of fluids or gas in underwater production and injection wells—a single phase meter (SPM) and a single phase sensor (SPS).
The new SPM takes advantage of the company’s DualQ downhole pressure measurement technology, measuring absolute and differential pressures across a venturi. Features include high accuracy, reliability, extreme pressure tolerance, and simple underwater installation. The SPS, which is based on the firm’s Force technology, measures the deflection of an intrusive probe caused by the flowing media. The measurement output from the SPS is intended to enhance or replace traditional calculations based on choke settings, the firm notes.
Source: Roxar AS, Gamle Forusvei 17, Box 112, 4065 Stavanger, Norway.
New well cement resistant to carbon dioxide
New EverCRETE carbon dioxide-resistant cement is specifically engineered to ensure long-term zonal isolation in wells with high concentrations of CO2 in either wet or gaseous states.
The cement can be prepared in a standard bulk plant, and its density can be tailored to most well requirements. The new system can be pumped as a tail slurry across the CO2 injection zone or used as a lead slurry to protect the casing string from CO2 attack in front of any reservoir with CO2 content, all using standard equipment.
Source: Schlumberger, 5599 San Felipe, 17th Floor, Houston, TX 77056.