The Upper Texas Gulf Coast is getting more gas storage capacity.
Amoco Gas Co. plans an $8.3 million project to develop a second gas storage cavern in the Stratton Ridge salt dome northeast of Freeport, Brazoria County, that will give the company an additional 1.4 bcf of working capacity.
A joint venture of Tejas Power Corp., Houston, and Phibro Energy Inc., Greenwich, Conn., last year disclosed plans to develop and operate a similar salt dome storage site on the Texas Gulf Coast (OGJ, Nov. 27, 1989, p. 32).
Amoco's first cavern in its Stratton Ridge storage site, which has a working capacity of 1 bcf, was completed in 1987.
Amoco Production Co. began drilling the second cavern's well bore Feb. 16 to a target depth of 3,800 ft. Another Amoco unit, Amoco Chemical Co., will handle salt removal during development of the cavern.
Another compressor will be installed on the surface to double gas injection capacity to 90 MMcfd.
With the second cavern, Amoco's withdrawal capacity will be tripled to 300 MMcfd of gas.
Amoco Gas is a local distribution company for industrial and electric power generation customers.
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