Kuwait Energy Egypt will bring the ASD-2 development well onstream in the Abu Sennan license, 7 km north of the producing Al Jahraa field in Egypt's Western Desert, partner United Oil & Gas PLC said in a March 15 release.
The well, the first in the 2022 Abu Sennan drilling campaign, was drilled to test the northwestern culmination of the commercial discovery in the Abu Sennan Development (ASD) concession last year. It reached total depth of 3,631 m (OGJ Online, Jan. 13, 2022). The well encountered at least 25.5 m net oil pay across Abu Roash and Bahariya reservoirs. An estimated 20 m net pay was encountered in the Abu Roash-E reservoir, significantly above predrill expectations.
The well will be tested and completed in the coming days and immediately immediately onstream through existing ASD infrastructure.
After completion of ASD-2, the ECDC-6 rig will be released and the campaign will continue with the Sino Tharwa-1 rig. Technical work to finalize drilling locations at Al Jahraa and ASH fields is ongoing, and the ASV-1X exploration well will be drilled next. United Oil & Gas estimates that the ASV-1X structure has the potential to hold over 2.5 million bbl gross mean recoverable resources. The well is expected to spud in the coming weeks.
The Abu Sennan concession comprises seven development concessions, each containing a producing field, as well as a 644-sq km exploration license.
Abu Sennan is operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt (25%). Joint venture partners are United Oil & Gas (22%), Global Connect Ltd. (25%), and Dover Investments (28%).