Cue begins commercial oil production in Mahato PSC, Indonesia

Jan. 15, 2021
Cue Energy Resources has begun commercial oil production from PB field in the Mahato PCS, onshore Central Sumatran basin, Indonesia. A dispute between joint venture partners has been settled.

Cue Energy Resources Ltd., Melbourne, has begun commercial oil production from PB field in the Mahato PCS, onshore Central Sumatran basin, Indonesia. A dispute between joint venture partners, in which Cue was excluded from participation in the operations, has been settled, the company said Jan. 15.

The PB-1 well is producing 600 b/d. The oil is being processed through existing third-party facilities.

A workover of exploration well PB-2 is expected to bring it into production in this year’s first quarter. The JV also plans to drill three additional development wells on the field before end March.

Cue, which holds a 12.5% participating interest in the Mahato PSC, said the PB-1 and PB-2 wells were drilled in late 2019 and early 2020, respectively (OGJ Online, Mar. 26, 2015). In April 2020, Indonesian authorities reported the field as a 61.8 million bbl oil discovery.

Under the dispute resolution, Cue agreed to pay a cash call of $300,000 for the PB-2 well and an additional $380,000 to the JV partners. The settlement is due by end January.

Cue said it has previously paid for its participating interest in the field infrastructure, the PB-2 well workover, and the three forthcoming development wells.

The Mahato PSC is operated by Texcal Mahato EP Ltd., which is part of the Sabson Group.