Viscosity control systems precisely match application
A full line of viscosity control systems is sensitive enough to detect changes in the viscosity of water, based upon temperature, and is capable of improving the blending, mixing, and color quality of virtually any fluid.
Providing the sensitivity necessary to match a user’s application precisely, these viscosity control systems can be configured to control the viscosity of fluids ranging from 1⁄2 cp to more than 1 million cp.
Featuring a variety of in-line and in-tank sensor options, units can detect the difference in the viscosity of boiling water (0.284 cp) and ambient water (1.06 cp). Systems can range from one station to as many as 10 stations, and all controllers offer manual or automatic control.
Source: Norcross Corp., 255 Newtonville Ave., Newton, MA 02458.
IT infrastructure support program enhanced
Envoy 2.0 introduces features designed to reduce human error, broaden device coverage, and enhance network management security and compliance. It is part of the Envoy system, which is designed to help users reduce the cost and complexity of supporting their IT infrastructure.
Envoy 2.0 offers:
• Help with traditional, serial-based control systems (i.e., SCADA) that are now moving to IP-based networks, creating new performance and availability challenges not seen before. The 2.0 version can operate in-band and out-of-band to provide localized device management as well as centralized access and reporting.
• Help with managing remote assets, such as drilling rigs, platforms, and refineries. It’s risky and costly for companies to send technical support to these remote locations. Envoy 2.0 helps reduce this cost and risk by acting as a virtual, on-site network administrator.
• Help with new applications that are forcing ever-increasing dependence on network performance and availability (i.e., voice over IP, real-time reporting and decision support). Envoy 2.0 reduces incidences of downtime and speeds the time to recover from an outage, the firm says.
Source: Uplogix Inc., 8601 RR 2222, Suite 1-235, Austin, TX 78730.