Canadian drilling jumps 39 units

June 9, 2023
Canadian drilling activity soared this week. After adding 10 rigs last week to 97, another 39 rigs started drilling this week for a total of 136 working, officials at Baker Hughes Inc. reported Friday.

Canadian drilling activity soared this week. After adding 10 rigs last week to 97, another 39 rigs started drilling this week for a total of 136 working, officials at Baker Hughes Inc. reported Friday. That is still 5 fewer than the 141 units drilling in Canada during the same period last year.

US drilling activity, however, decreased again this week, as 1 rotary rig was removed from service for a total of 695 working. That is 38 fewer than the 733 total units drilling during the same period a year ago.

US land operations were down a single rig from the previous week, with 673 currently active. Offshore drilling remained flat at 20 rigs working in US waters this week, but up 5 from the 15 working the same time last year.

The number of US rigs drilling for natural gas decreased by 2 to 135 units this week. Oil drilling increased by 1 rig to 556. Four rigs were unclassified, unchanged from last week.

There were 51 US directional drilling rigs active this week, 1 fewer than the previous week; horizontal drilling decreased by 3 units to 625, while vertical drilling increased by 3 rigs to 19.

Texas decreased drilling this week by 6 rigs, to 347 units. Colorado dropped a single unit to leave 16 rigs for the week. Other US states lost a total of 6 rigs, with Wyoming gaining 2 of them for a new total of 17, while four states gained 1 rig each: New Mexico now has 108 rigs working; Louisiana 53, Oklahoma 44, and Utah 13.