Gas rigs drive decline in US rig count

May 12, 2023
The overall US drilling rig count declined during the week ended May 12, led by a loss in gas-directed rigs.

The overall US drilling rig count declined during the week ended May 12, led by a loss in gas-directed rigs.

Baker Hughes’ overall tally of active US drilling rigs decreased 17 units to 731, up 17 units from the year-ago level.

Gas-directed rigs fell by 16 units to 141. There are 8 fewer active gas-directed rigs than this time last year.

Oil-directed rigs declined by 2 this week to 586, up 23 from the year-ago level of 563.

Eighteen fewer rigs were working onshore, with rigs drilling horizontally down 16 to 660, but up 9 from this period in 2022. There were 2 fewer rigs drilling vertically, leaving 19 working this week.

The US offshore count was up a single unit this week to 22. Two rigs were added in the Gulf of Mexico to reach 22 rigs working.

Louisiana and Wyoming each dropped 4 rigs this week, leaving respective counts of 57 and 14 rigs working.

Oklahoma dropped 3 rigs to reach 51 for the week, while Texas and Pennsylvania each dropped 2 units to end the week with 366 and 24 rigs running.

Four states saw single rig drops this week, namely North Dakota, 37; West Virginia, 15; Ohio, 10; and Alaska, 8.

Canada’s rig count increased by 1 this week to 94. Three oil-directed rigs were added, bringing the count to 37 for the week. The gain was offset by a 2-rig drop in gas-directed rigs to 57.