Sasanof-1 gas wildcat offshore Australia comes up dry
The Sasanof-1 wildcat operated by Perth company Western Gas Corp. in permit WA-519-P on the Exmouth Plateau offshore Western Australia is a dry hole. The well, 200 km northwest of Onslow, was drilled to a total depth of 2,390 m by semisubmersible rig Valaris MS-1.
The prospect was a seismic amplitude-supported structural-stratigraphic trap, but the anticipated reservoir sands at the top of the Cretaceous Lower Barrow group formation target contained no hydrocarbons. Pre-drill estimates suggested the prospect could contain up to 7 tcf of natural gas and more than 170 million bbl of condensate.
While disappointed with the result, Western Gas still has ownership of the adjacent Equus gas discoveries, collectively estimated to contain around 2 tcf of gas and more than 40 million bbl of oil according to consultant Gaffney Cline.
Interests in the Sasanof well are Western Gas with 52.5% and operatorship, Global Oil & Gas with 25%, Prominence Energy 12.5% and Clontarf Energy 10%.