PetroNeft increases Tomsk oblast production through fracturing program

March 2, 2021
PetroNeft increased production through hydraulic stimulations of wells on both Sibkrayevskoye and Lineynoye fields on licenses 61 and 67 in Russia's Tomsk oblast, possibly opening the door for further developments.

PetroNeft increased production through hydraulic stimulations of wells on both Sibkrayevskoye and Lineynoye fields on licenses 61 and 67 in Russia's Tomsk oblast, possibly opening the door for further developments.

The S-373 well on Sibkrayevskoye field was successfully fractured on Feb. 13. A step-rate test and mini fracture were completed prior to the main fracture. The mini fracture results enabled the fracture size to be optimized, reducing it to 41 tons, the company said. Pre-fracture production from the well averaged 200 b/d through 2020. Following flowback of fracture fluids, oil production over the last 6 days has more than doubled, it said. As the well was brought back online, the water cut has declined to 40% from 100% immediate post fracture. Production is stable.

The L-115 well at Lineynoye field was previously fractured in 2010 with a relatively small 30-ton fracture. The well was refractured with a 60 tons fracture. Pre-fracture oil rate averaged 20 b/d with post fracture currently at 40 b/d. The oil rate is expected to increase as the water cut continues to decline.

PetroNeft is operator and 50% owner and operator of the licenses.