Equinor Energy AS has been granted a drilling permit by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate for well 7018/5-1 in the Barents Sea.
Well 7018/5-1, the first to be drilled in license 960, will be drilled from the West Hercules semisubmersible drilling rig about 100 km southwest of Snøhvit field after concluding drilling of wildcat well 6407/1-8 S for Equinor Energy AS in production license 263D (OGJ Online, July 30, 2020).
The area in the license consists of parts of Blocks 7018/4 and 7018/5.
Equinor is operator with 40% interest. Partners are Petoro AS 20%, Lundin Energy Norway AS 20%, and Wintershall Dea Norge AS 20%.