OGJ Energy Transition Update - Jan 4th, 2024
OGJ Energy Transition Update | View online
January 4, 2024
Neptune Energy, operator of the L10CCS carbon storage development, has advanced the project to Front End Engineering Design with a contract award to Petrofac.
Dow Inc. has let two contracts to Fluor Corp. to deliver construction-related services for Dow Canada's petrochemicals manufacturing site under development just north of Fort Saskatchewan, Alta.
DG Fuels has let a contract to a subsidiary NextChem to deliver a process design package for units at the operator’s sustainable aviation fuel production complex under development in Louisiana.
Howard Midstream Energy Partners completed a series of projects to expand pipeline, processing, and storage capacities to accommodate natural gas production from Delaware and Eagle Ford basins, as well as renewable diesel at the US Gulf Coast.
Fluxys, Open Grid Europe, and Wintershall signed a cooperation agreement for CO2 transport. Fluxys is targeting shipment of 30 million tpy through the system by 2030.

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Inpex received official approval from Indonesian government authorities for its revised plan for the Abadi LNG project in Indonesia.
Santos Ltd. has signed agreements with two Japanese energy companies to collaborate on carbon capture and storage projects.
Equinor agreed to supply state-owned SEFE GmbH with 10 bcmy of natural gas beginning in 2024.
ADNOC and the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic signed a collaboration agreement aimed at potential development of low-carbon energy technologies.