OGJ ED&P - Nov 28th, 2023
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November 28, 2023
ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS has been granted consent by the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) for use of Eldfisk Nord infrastructure on Eldfisk field. First production is expected in 2024.
Shell Egypt drilled the first well in its Mina West three-well exploration campaign in North East El-Amriya block in the Mediterranean Sea.
PGNiG Upstream Norway AS, an ORLEN Group company, has agreed to acquire all shares of KUFPEC Norway AS.
WhiteHawk Energy LLC increased ownership in its Marcellus shale natural gas mineral and royalty assets in Greene and Washington Counties, Pa., for $54 million. The acquisition will double WhiteHawk’s net revenue from its existing acreage.
Aramco started production from the first unconventional tight gas from its South Ghawar operational area. Production is 2 months ahead of schedule.
State-owned UkrGasVydobuvannya (UGV), a joint stock company of Naftogaz Group, discovered a Mesozoic play in a Carpathian field that was previously considered depleted.
Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. made a gas and condensate discovery in District Sujawal, Sindh, Pakistan.
NEO Energy will acquire the Western Isles floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) vessel for redevelopment of Buchan field on the UK Continental Shelf, said partner Jersey Oil & Gas PLC.
Santos Ltd. has let a contract to McDermott International Ltd. to advance a decommissioning project offshore Australia.
Invictus Energy Ltd. identified a potential discovery in Mukuyu field from the Mukuyu-2 well in Cabora Bassa basin, Zimbabwe.
Shell PLC let a contract to Subsea7 to decommission subsea infrastructure associated with FPSO Fluminense in Bijupirá and Salema fields, Campos basin, offshore Brazil.
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Gas lift system optimization methods described in this book establish that superior economic benefits can be achieved if each component of the whole network is reviewed and optimized, instead of optimizing the well performance alone. This book captures how to optimize gas lifted fields using various modeling tools and communications technologies. This book presents a holistic design that assures a comprehensive system methodology.

Galp Energia spudded the Mopane 2X exploration well in Namibia’s Orange basin, said partner Custos Energy.
Suncor has restarted the Terra Nova FPSO offshore Newfoundland and Labrador.
Capex SA opted not to continue with a second exploratory period at Parva Negra Oeste area in Neuquén province following 5 years without discovery of commercially exploitable hydrocarbons.
ConocoPhillips Australia Pty Ltd. will undertake exploration activities in offshore permits VIC/P79 and T/49P in Commonwealth waters of Otway basin, 19 km offshore Victoria and 28 km offshore King Island, Tasmania.