OGJ ED&P - Aug 8th, 2023
OGJ ED&P | View online
August 8, 2023

Quickly and cost-effectively identify the right strategies for a well or pad to overcome operational challenges. SLB’s pay-as-you-go, cloud-enabled Shale Production Optimizer software service allows you run artificial lift techniques, run optimization scenarios, and identify potential bottlenecks in production. Use Shale Production Optimizer for your well design to make better and more profitable decisions based on data—not guesswork.

Occidental Petroleum produced 6,000 boe/d in a near-field exploration well production test in Block 65, Oman, the company said in its second-quarter 2023 earnings call.
bp PLC has moved timing of expected first gas from Phase 1 of the Greater Tortue (GTA) project offshore Mauritania and Senegal to first-quarter 2024 from end-2023 due to a delay in completion of the subsea work scope.
ExxonMobil is reviewing its oil and gas operations and interests in seven unconventional areas in Argentina’s Neuquén basin, according to Enverus.
Vår Energi ASA increased production from equipment improvements and new drilling at Balder and Ringhorne fields 220 km from Stavanger in the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).
Trinity Exploration & Production PLC is preparing for a production test after finding significant hydrocarbons at high reservoir pressure in the Jacobin well sidetrack onshore Trinidad.
Petronas Carigali Sdn. Bhd. made six oil and gas discoveries in five blocks off the coast of Sarawak, Malaysia.
Jadestone Energy plc, Singapore, has again shut in oil production at Montara field in the Timor Sea offshore northern Australia following an incident on the Montara Venture floating production, storage, and offtake vessel (FPSO).
ExxonMobil has been granted a 1-year extension to the Stabroek block exploration license offshore Guyana to October 2027, according to partner Hess Corp.
OMV (Norge) AS has been granted a drilling permit by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate for exploration well 6607/3-1 S in Norwegian Sea production license 1016.
Ithaca Energy (UK) Ltd. discovered hydrocarbons at the K2 prospect in license P2382, Block 22/14c, Central North Sea.
Eni and Libya’s National Oil Corp. (NOC) revoked force majeure status on onshore exploration areas A and B, and offshore area C.

Improved shale reservoir training has been declared as a critical requirement for meeting future oil and gas demands. This book answers that call by addressing the reservoir characteristics, lab tests, and critical evaluation concepts that are somewhat unique to shale oil & gas plays. The information is concise, practical, and primarily intended for those directly engaged in ranking, valuing, or optimizing shale development opportunities.

OMV Petrom has let an engineering, procurement, construction, and installation contract to Saipem SPA for the Neptun deep gas development project in the Black Sea, Romania.
Azule Energy has let a contract to Aker Solutions to provide subsea umbilicals for the Ndungu project in Block 15/06, about 120 km from Angola in 1,050 m of water.The contract includes delivery of eight infield umbilicals including spares totaling over 25 km in length. Project execution, engineering, and manufacturing will take place at the Aker Solutions...
CNOOC Petroleum Europe Ltd. has let a contract to Shelf Drilling Ltd. for the Shelf Drilling Fortress jack-up rig for operations at the Golden Eagle platform in the UK Central North Sea.
Tamboran (B2) Pty Ltd. spudded the Shenandoah South 1H horizontal well in exploration permit 117 in the Beetaloo sub-basin, Northern Territory, Australia.