Houston and oil politics

July 16, 2001
Our petroleum industry's nonprofit public education group wishes to congratulate you on the article (OGJ, June 11, 2001, p. 19) "Houston and oil politics."

Our petroleum industry's nonprofit public education group wishes to congratulate you on the article (OGJ, June 11, 2001, p. 19) "Houston and oil politics."

As your editors know, dating from your late columnist Henry D. Ralph, who helped start us, we take good-will messages to the public and explain how the industry is vital to all our lives. We have been at this for over 26 years.

We have given over 10,000 speeches and interviews since 1974 and have won awards from nearly all petroleum associations. The public has responded to our hands-on professional approach and so has the media for our truth-telling and objectivity without trade-association, axe-grinding outbursts, threats, and actions leading to industry disunity.

As you say, education is the key-from ourselves, not paid speakers and fancy ads.

As the governor of Alaska said recently to our Lower 48: "Help is on its way." We do a lot, but we can do more-Denver, Midland, Jackson Miss., and New York City chapters are budding.

A.M. (Mac) Alloway
International Society of the Energy Advocates