Industry heroes

Oct. 11, 1999
The wonderful article on "Unlikely heroes in war-torn England" by Drilling Editor Dean E. Gaddy told the neatest story any industry has ever performed (OGJ, Sept. 20, 1999, p. 19).

The wonderful article on "Unlikely heroes in war-torn England" by Drilling Editor Dean E. Gaddy told the neatest story any industry has ever performed (OGJ, Sept. 20, 1999, p. 19).

It helps put a deserved hero face on oil men and women instead of the rogue, high-rolling face of those featured in Herb Block cartoons and the TV show Dallas.

That has been our mission since 1974: educating the public through speeches and interviews-and popularizing such true history as the World War II heroism events.

Everybody talks about a better image for workers in our industry which is vital to security and economy-and we are proud to actually do something about it.

Thanks, Dean and the Oil & Gas Journal.

A.M. "Mac" Alloway
The International Society of the Energy Advocates